New Haggadahs from ArtScroll and a Double Giveaway!

Want to win a copy of one of ArtScroll’s excellent new haggadahs? Scroll down for a double giveaway!

Pesach is just a few weeks away, and we have two brand-new haggadahs to enhance your seder and help you really understand the story or yetzias mitzrayim.

Haggadah Touched by Our Story: The Soul of the Seder Through Stories and Reflections

By Rabbi Yechiel Sperohtsh

The Haggadah. It’s our story. Let’s make sure we tell it well.

This year, invite a master story-teller to your seder. Acclaimed teacher, best-selling author, and master story-teller Rabbi Yechiel Spero is back with a brand new haggadah, Touched by Our Story. In this masterful new volume, Rabbi Spero combines wide-ranging, stimulating commentary on the Haggadah and, of course, his trademark true stories. Enlightening, engaging and eye-opening, this is a Haggadah that will ensure a lively, meaningful and enjoyable seder for us, our guests, and — most important of all — our children, the next generation to tell the stories.



The Generation to Generation Haggadah

By Rabbi Nosson Mullergngh

The Pesach Seder. The one night a year that Jews throughout the world relive and experience the Exodus from Egypt. It is the time when we infuse in ourselves and our children lessons of emunah, faith, and an immense appreciation for the kindness and love bestowed upon us by Hashem.

In this unique Haggadah commentary, Rabbi Nosson Muller, Menahel of Yeshiva Toras Emes in Brooklyn, and renowned and experienced educator, offers us the tools to make the Seder an unforgettable event and an exciting learning experience. With insightful explanations coupled with dozens of inspiring and meaningful stories and parables, Rabbi Muller gives us timely and practical chinuch messages and lessons — for ourselves, and to convey to our children. This haggadah is bound to keep the children — and their parents — engaged and interested throughout the long night.

On seder night every parent becomes a teacher. Here is a master educator to show us how to do it right. The seder lasts for a few hours — The Generation to Generation Haggadah will help us and our children hear its vital message resound throughout the year.

Giveaway is over! Congrats to Leah Rina and Zorach M. Spira on winning!

Two separate readers will each win a copy of one of these new Haggadahs! To enter, leave a comment on this post telling us that you would like to win.

**Giveaway ends on Wednesday, March 25th at 11:59 pm eastern time. One winner will receive a copy of Haggadah Touched by Our Story, and another winner will receive a copy of The Generation to Generation Haggadah. Prize can be shipped within the USA. Winner will be chosen randomly and notified via email. Valid email address must be provided to claim prize. Winner will have 48 hours to answer or another winner will be chosen. Limit one entry per person. 

268 thoughts on “New Haggadahs from ArtScroll and a Double Giveaway!

  1. I can’t decide which one I want! 😦 They both sound so amazing and will make a big difference to our Seder and throughout Pesach! Hope I win!

  2. I would like to make our seder more meaningful for our children. I would like to win The Generation to Generation Haggadah. Thank you!

  3. בס״ד
    Thank you for this new publications. Please, enter my name. If I do not win one of these great books, I will still be ordering a copy of each.

  4. The generation to generation hagaddah seams really nice especially since my Dad will not be joining us at the seder this year and we will all miss his ancedotes

  5. Our family has been using the Artscroll hagaddot for as long as I can remember and I try to get a new one every year! These both would be awesome additions to our family Seder!

  6. I am new to learning about my Jewish roots and faith. I would love to win won of these books. (especially Touched by Our Story) Mother is 8 who loves to learn about the God who saves.

  7. I like the sound of the story haggadah the are young kids at my seder that would enjoy them very much. God willing I will win! Good luck to all here!

  8. would like to win From Generation to Generation — am having seder with 6 of my grandchildren. would be happy with either one. -:)

  9. I would love to win and have either of these haggadot at our Seder. This will enhance my fulfillment of the important paschal mitzvah, sippur, and provide interesting insights with regards to the other tefillot.

  10. I would like to receive the Generation to Generation Hagadah. I love all the Artscroll books that I have in my house.

  11. I can not think of a warmer, more inspiring way to appreciate the seder than having these gems by my side! I look forward to winning! Chag Kosher Vsameach to all!

  12. every year I go to my friends for Pesach and every year they have a different hagaddah. They have never used yours though and I would love to have a copy to take there and help them do so much more with their seder. Thank you.

  13. I would love either but in particular the Generation to Generation Haggadah. It sounds truely amazing.
    Many thanks
    Wishing you a lovely Pesach

  14. I would really love to win a copy of your Haggadah because it would help me to better teach our assembly the stor(ies) of our deliverance from bondage and the hope that is in Yeshua! Thank you very much! Shalom!

  15. I would love to win. Rabbi Spero’s books are so inspiring, and I’m sure that this haggadah doesn’t disappoint!

  16. Either Haggadah would be a welcome addition to our seder! We always put in effort to make our seder come alive for the children as this is the one most important night of the year in terms of giving over our heritage to our children. The more stories, the passing down from generation to generation….that’s exactly what it’s all about!

  17. Passover is a very special time, with many special foods and the remembering of the exodus from Egypt. We read the Haggadah to aid in bring this history to the next generation and to remind ourselves of what our ancestry went through. “Go Down Moses”

  18. It is well-known that ArtScroll has revolutionized virtually all branches of Torah learning, and their wonderful array of Haggados has made Seder night a true Festival of Learning. I would like to add one of these new editions to the shelves of ArtScroll Haggados we already possess.

  19. Time, allow to do several thing, learn, repeat, or forget! Passover allow us to never forget, always repeat, and always leran. For me to have and own these priceless wisdom is to hand them down to the next generation! Never forget who you are.

  20. At one of our seders years ago we had about 34 participants in our home. The assembly spanned four generations. As we finished the meal I had an idea. I announced that we would go around the table and have everyone, from the 84 year old aunt to the six year old child, relate a Pesach memory. It was a very, very rewarding two hours. In that spirit, I would like to have the Touched by a Story Haggadah to continue the effort. Thank you for the opportunity to enhance our seders.

  21. I would like to win one of these. The explanations in “The Generation to Generation Haggadah” would especially add to our Seder.

  22. I would love of these to enhance my Pesach seder. Especially considering that if there will be any Dvar Torah, it is coming from me so this would be quite useful and inspiring.

  23. I’ve read the sample from both Haggadahs and know that either would be an amazing addition to our Seder. However, after years of reading a “Rabbi Spero story” to my children each week at shaloshudes, and enjoying their lively, thought-provoking responses that always follow the story, I do have a preference to have the Touched by Our Story Haggadah to enhance our Seder this year and to help my children feel excited to really be able to contribute to the discussion as they do to our weekly Shabbos readings. Thanks for creating such amazing books that add spice in our family’s Yiddishkeit! We would be honored to be the recipient of a new Haggadah masterpiece from Artscroll!

  24. Why do I want to win? Because pesach is about learning and growing and becoming the best addition to the jewish nation that I can. One way to do this is through learning new things about our wonderful national , which I can do with one of these new beautiful haggados. Happy pesach!

  25. I’m always looking for new stories and activities to engage and interest everyone at our seder. I would love to have either one of these.

  26. My parents’ house was flooded and they lost their Haggadah collection. I would love to win and help them rebuild their collection.

  27. I love collecting and reading Haggadahs. Since I unfortunately spend Pesachs alone, a new book is always a pleasure and a gift. My first choice would be ‘Touched by Our Story’ because I am still learning, maybe always will be.

  28. I already bought both, but would like to win so that we have two copies of each to read before Pesach and use during the seder, and no one has to wait too long to look through it.

  29. Passover is my favorite holiday… and as my Rabbi and friend says, it is our job to transmit the story… and never stop asking questions. The youngest asks the Four Questions, but as adults we should NEVER stop asking questions… I will guess these books will open the door to many new questions… many new discussions and so much new learning… so hopefully I will win one… I’d like to win!

  30. Being a BT of just under ten years, you (Artscroll) has made learning easier, more enriching, and fun!! What amazing stories must await in your Artscroll Haggadahs!! Thank you for what you do!!

  31. Touched by Our Story looks like it would be a fantastic way to hold the interests of all generations at the seder table as we go through the Hagada.

  32. Thank you Art Scroll for this special offer! If it is besheirt, I would like to win one of these new Haggadahs.
    Yaasher Koach and a Chag Kosher V’Sameach to your company and all other posters and readers!

  33. Artscroll has such fine books. The quality is superb and the books themselves are literally works of art. I would be pleased to win either haggadah.

  34. I suppose I have won already because I have learned from Artscroll’s great books and been able to share them with other learners.
    I would like to win this contest,


  36. Love to win. The Touched by a Story series is truly outstanding and I have never been disappointed by a new Haggadah from ArtScroll. The Generation to Generation Haggadah looks to be another winner!

  37. I would love to win! It’s so hard to decide, but I think I would like Touched By Our Story. Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  38. I really really would like to win “Touched by our Story” I have read every single other book that Rabbi Spero wrote and I have enjoyed all of them immensely. Thank you for the giveaway! i reallly want to win this prze

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